First Impressions

Just a heads up: If you haven’t had your morning coffee yet, you may not need to.

[Cue enthusiasm.] The past few days have been absolutely fantastic! I have felt so incredibly welcomed and know that I working and getting to know a great group of people. Each person has a story of their international exploits and how they came to teach in Kathmandu. In this faraway land, everyone is connected to someone. Between throwing out common names or places, it’s 1 degree of separation here!

Living in Kathmandu feels surprisingly ‘normal’. After staying in a hotel for the first night, I was toted off to my apartment. The streets are busy, but not an assault like Delhi. Traffic jams are a common occurrence as all the cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and buses play chicken with each other until one folds and barely grazes by. Honking is more of a greeting and part of the music of Kathmandu.

So yes, my apartment: It’s lovely! With its purple, pink, and periwinkle paint, I feel like I’m living on the set of a children’s show. I have a spare bedroom for anyone who is committed enough to make the journey across the world! I’m getting to know my neighborhood with the help of my fellow teacher and Aussie buddy who lives above me. She is a wealth of information, and I feel like I am touring with the Lonely Planet embodied! (Well, better than the LP! Inside scoop around every corner.)

I’m learning so much and have all of my senses peaked. As I said, living in K’du feels ‘uniquely normal’. Here are a few examples. Normal: Bhatbhateni, which is a Nepali superstore that has everything from washing machines to yoghurt. (And quickly showed me that I brought waaaaay too much stuff from Canada!) Unique: The random occurrence of temples and sacred spaces amongst motorbikes and cell phone stands. Normal: Pedestrian walkways filled with murals and students. Unique: Stepping over complacent street dogs and driving around cows asleep in the street.

I am buzzing with words, photos, and experiences to post about. Certainly, more to discover and share!

One thought on “First Impressions

  1. AWESOME. I am following your travel blog, Ms. Emily. I’m glad to know that you are lovin’ it! I remember bringing WAY t
    oo much stuff to Kenya initially and getting really annoyed with myself over that. Be well, you are thought of often. – Dana Wiley –

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