Ms. Frizzle and Me


At least in teaching, I know my compass is aligned in the right direction. Even when I’m exhausted after a day of grade 8s and 9s, I feel rewarded by the practice.  I don’t mind spending my evenings thinking about tomorrow’s lessons. I love coming up with new analogies and discovering new ways to explain a concept. I love igniting curiosity. Mostly, I love seeing kids get that “AHA” moment when the lightbulb goes into high power. And yes, I even love teenagers. In their own awkwardness and fight to be independent, they are still just looking for someone to treat them with respect and give them a chance to learn.

In my latest teaching gig, I feel like I finally get to teach what I know and love. I get to be that enthusiastic, slightly eccentric biology teacher. I get to be my own version of Ms. Frizzle, and damn, it feels good inside and out. Best of all, it comes across to the kids.

“Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” -Julia Child